"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness" ~ Mark Twain

Monday, May 17, 2010

Good-Bye Boston, Hola Espana

Hello friends and family,

After 10 years in Boston we are packing up and heading out. Though our plans were to head back west right about now, we're moving another 3,500 miles east to Spain.

As many of you know, my mad scientist of a husband, Will, has been working feverishly to complete his PhD. In short, his thesis has been focused on redesigning the automobile to be part of new mobility system that works intelligently with its environment.

Anyhow, the amazing news is that a company in Spain has finalized an agreement with MIT to manufacture a full-scale prototype, with the hope of developing a fleet of vehicles for the city of Madrid. Because this design has been central to his research, they have offered Will the opportunity to relocate to Bilbao to help oversee the development of the vehicle.

So, start packing your bags because we expect to see you in Europe!